Gallery 16
Image from Gallery 16 scrapbook: 309 16th Street North, Great Falls, Katie Morris working with a loom. [SC 528]
“I remember thinking how unselfish and generous all the gals were and are at Gallery 16 – as pleased and happy to sell your work as to sell their own. Gallery 16 has always been important to me – first of all because mom (Val Knight) was a founding member and secondly because it has been the greatest group of gals who’ve ever been associated with a common goal – to show and support local contemporary artists.” – Kay Wearley
Gallery 16’s first location on 16th Street, circa 1970. [2021.029.0263]
“I remember the companionship of a group of people all trying to express themselves with art. Gallery 16 helped me to focus on making art pieces in various forms. The member encouraged me to try various methods to express my art.” – Betty McDonald
Ray Campearce workshop at Gallery 16, March 1995. [2021.029.0311]
“I remember hanging guest artist shows in our balcony at the gallery on 5th Street North with Pat Erickson. Our challenge was to be sure they were level and who’s level, Pat’s or Ruth’s? I am always proud to say I was a member because of the people, the art, the professionalism and the spirit of the Gallery.” – Ruth Franklin
Gallery 16 annual dinner and meeting. Top left to bottom right: Val Knight, Gudrun Linden, Muriel Kittock, Marcia Hocevar, Kay Feist, Pat Erickson, Carol Spurgeon, Shirley Rothwell, Judy Erickson, Mary Ann Young. [2021.029.0328]
At a time when Western art dominated the city of Great Falls, eight visionary women founded Gallery 16. Gallery 16 was a place for contemporary artists to find community, develop skills, and to sell artwork. The eight founders: Marylon Christ-Janer, Alice Gianotti, Jean Halverson, Muriel Kittock, Val Knight, Betty McDonald, Lela Tonkin, and Marlene Walden opened the gallery in 1970 in Great Falls on 16th Street. Many scoffed at a place run by all women, but their drive proved the scoffers wrong. Gallery 16 was a haven for local artists to share their work and dare to try new forms of expression. Many artists graced the gallery walls and led workshops to encourage young artists. Gallery 16 was a community resource for 50 years and would have lasted longer if not for the COVID-19 pandemic.
SC 528 is recently processed and available to the public for research through The History Museum Archives. The collection contains Gallery 16’s scrapbooks, photo albums, VHS tapes, meeting minutes, advertising, consigner lists, and other records.
The History Museum Archives is free to the public by appointment. Click here to begin your research.
Series of images of Judy Erickson and Marcia Hocevar. [2020.029.0311]